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Have you ever thought about making extra money online?

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Have you ever thought about making extra money online?

John Littleford The Website Designer
Published by John Littleford in Websites · Wednesday 08 Jan 2020 ·  4:30
Tags: PassiveIncomeIdeaswebsiteideas
Have you ever thought about making extra money online?
The truth is that making money online isn't as difficult as many make it out to seem. However, it does require some discipline.
Some online businesses will provide you with immediate results, helping you to tackle your basic monthly out-goings such as the mortgage or rent, your utilities and groceries, whilst others have the capability of changing your life by revolutionising your finances in the long term.

Time versus Money
No matter what approach you choose for making your online income, there's one vital thing you need to consider. Money can be made then spent, saved, invested or even wasted. But not time. This is why time has far more value than money. You can't restore time, but once it's gone, it's gone forever!

I can hear you say, I don’t have the time, how can I make money on or offline when I’m already committed to my life sucking nine to five job? Yes, this job stability may give you a good night’s sleep, but it’s not allowing your inner income producing ideas to flow.  
Now I’m not saying you should quit your nine to five, well not yet anyway! I’m encouraging you to adjust your mindset to help empower rather than discourage you. The truth is, making money online can be beset with preventable pitfalls.
Here are some fundamental guiding principles to keep in mind.
Go for passive income rather than active income ideas.
1. Passive income is something that you set up once and get paid repeatedly for. (e.g. income from a rental property)
2. Active income is something you have to give your time for on an ongoing basis that requires some kind of work.

Having passive income ideas, are the ones that will help you thrive!
So, if you only have a limited amount of time, creating passive income streams should make up a large part of your work.
Because, who wouldn't choose to do the work just once and then get paid over and over again as opposed to being dependent on your time to create that income?
The secret is to invest your time at the front-end of a project so that you can reap the rewards at the back-end. This means putting in a bit of work today to get paid later down the road. And you'll keep on getting paid whether you keep building that passive income stream or you stop.
If you’re interested in making money online you should be pursuing a passive income stream, but at the same time as working with an active income (your 9 to 5).
There are many of methods to generate passive income streams online, most of which start by having a simple blog, generating substantial traffic and building an audience and a list. It's not easy, but it's worth it.
Here are 5 passive income stream ideas that you could start today
The first thing you need is customers, you need to know that people are actively looking for the product or service you are providing.
Would you say that people are looking to lose weight? Are they looking to improve their fitness, their golf or their tennis?  Of course they are, these are all niches that people are passionate about and are always looking for help with.
So how could you help these people?
Ideally, you need to be able to provide the solutions that these people are looking for in a way that can be delivered passively from a website.
Let’s take golf as an example.
... according to the data I researched there were 649,238 online searches for terms containing the word golf… EVERY DAY!
That's 4½ million searches a week, which equates to a massive 18 million + searches every single month!
As you can see, golf is great market to get into. It’s a great game but can be so frustrating to play and people are always looking for answers to problems they face on the course.
What if you had a downloadable digital video masterclass that could help golfers of all standards improve all aspects of their golf, do you think this could be an opportunity to make money passively?
Of course it would! All you need, is to find a product that can fulfil the needs of the niche, then purchase a resell license so you can sell the product and keep the profit.
I have 5 highly searched for niche video masterclass products available with resell licenses.
1.    Teach Yourself Golf
2.    Teach Yourself Massage
3.    Teach Yourself Tennis
4.    Teach Yourself Magic
5.    Fastrack Fat Loss
If you’re interested please get in touch.

All the best John

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